The Augmentative and Alternative Communication Laboratory of the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions was established in October 2020 as a place for the interdisciplinary work of Communication Disorders and Applied Behavior Analysis. The lab was established by and is under the direction of Elizabeth Lorah, Ph.D., Department of Curriculum and Instruction, and Christine Holyfield, Ph.D., Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders.
The mission of the AAC Lab is to improve communication, language and participation outcomes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including autism spectrum disorder who have limited or no speech.
The lab supports that mission through:
- Contributing to the evidence base of effective technologies and instructional strategies to promote communication, language and participation for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities with limited speech
- Preparing future researchers to contribute to the evidence base
- Preparing future clinicians to analyze and apply research and use data collection and evaluation methods clinically